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The right foundation

Digital strategy consulting

Technological progress as well as advances in digitalization have led to an increased need for digital transformation. Companies are increasingly recognizing that a sound digital strategy is essential to succeed in today’s competitive environment. In addition to the perfect website, possibly a mobile app or web app, the digitalization of business processes is also part of the digital strategy.

Anita und Robert führen im Besprechungsraum ein Gespräch im Rahmen einer IT-Beratung
(C) Brand Images e.U. – Graz – 2022

What is behind digital strategy consulting?

Digital strategy consulting means that our Expert:in helps optimize your digital presence and develop effective strategies for the use of digital technologies in your company. This consulting service includes a comprehensive analysis of current business processes and models to identify potential improvements and propose innovative solutions. The goal is to help companies increase their competitiveness in the digital era and successfully master the digital transformation.

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Well advised

Requirements document

No matter what digital challenge you face, we help you define the needs and relevant requirements.

Analysis of existing IT systems

Provide us with insight into existing systems and software in use. An in-depth evaluation allows us to plan accordingly for implementation.

IT consulting & supplier evaluation

Technologies change, become obsolete, or may no longer be supported. We keep you up to date and also keep a critical eye on your choice of suppliers.

Technical requirements documents

Every implementation begins with planning the software architecture and writing the requirements specifications. It is up to you which service provider you choose to implement the software.

Alexander sitzt im Office,mit konzentriertem Blick an seinem Projekt. Auf der Suche nach der richtigen IT-Strategie.

Why digital strategy consulting?

Digital strategy consulting can help to identify new business opportunities, increase efficiency and optimize business processes. Through the use of technologies, processes can be automated, communication can be improved and data can be used more effectively. In addition, consulting enables you to adapt to changing customer needs and create personalized customer experiences.

As digitalization further advances, the importance of digital strategy consulting is expected to increase and make a difference for successful business decisions in the future.

To support Winkelbauer GmbH in their digitalization efforts our consultants set out on a search for adequate software suppliers with the support of our technical experts.


360-degree Digitalization

We will help you to take the right digital path from the start.

Are you ready to say goodbye to analog documents and make processes more measurable?

Every company has untapped potential. Discover your digital business model with us!

We develop your mobile app based on your needs for all devices and operating systems.

Web applications can be used on all operating systems and devices without the need for installation.

You want a website with more complex functionality such as a web shop, booking system and more?


Zu sehen sind miteinander gestikulierende Hände zweier Personen bei einem Digital-Consulting Gespräch
Ein Detailbild des Innenleben eines Servers. Dieser spielt auch eine wichtige Rolle in der IT-Strategie
Es sind die Hände zweier Personen zu sehen. Eine Person schreibt mit einem Tabletstift am Gerät.
Ein Mitarbeiter sitzt vor seinem Arbeitslaptop und steckt gerade ein Smartphone an das Gerät
Alexander sitzt im Office,mit konzentriertem Blick an seinem Projekt. Auf der Suche nach der richtigen IT-Strategie.
Das Foto zeigt die Hände eines Mitarbeiters auf der Tastatur, vor ihm zu sehen sind zwei Bildschirme
Das Portrait von Mario Fraiß von TeamFraiss

You have questions about our services?

Mario Fraiß-Kollmanitsch is looking forward to helping you.

Mario Fraiß-Kollmanitsch
CEO & Sales Digital Projects